Standlake, pit 60: 23 Aug

Standlake, pit 60: 23 Aug

Black Tern 1
Ruff 1
Green Sand 11
Common Sand 3
Greenshank 3
Redstart 1m
Little Egret 1

Pit 26 a.m


(per Jim Hutchins)

- Standlake : Wednesday 3rd December
Smew, (m), Goosander (m) Both on Pit 27, Smew, mostly in cover along western edge of lake. Green Sand, Little Egret, 3, Peregrine, Ad male, harassing a juv Peregrine with jesses and radio transmitter. Geoff & Brian Wyatt. Numbered Map of Standlake...

- Standlake: 12th August
Marsh Harrier 1 imm male, pit 60 bathing along southern shore 12.30 - 13.00 then flew low west towards pit 38 Redstart 1 male, Windrush path E of Langley Lane Greenshank 1, pit 60 Green Sand 1 Common Tern 16 Little Egret 2...

- Port Meadow Saturday 27th July
2 Wood Sand 3 Common Sand 6 Black-tailed Godwits 1 Dunlin 27 Little Egrets 2 Little Ringed Plover per Justin Taylor Also: 3 green sand - S over, calling1 redshank (briefly on floods)1 oystercatcher per Jarrod Hadfield ...

- Farmoor 25th September
Common Sand - 3 Common Tern - 1 juv (S) Swallow - many (s) Sand Martin - 1(s) Farmoor today 11.30 - 13.30 44 Black Terns straight through. Three groups 18 6 20 5 Barwits 1 Greenshank 2 Common Sand At around about 12.15 a flock of 34 Snow Geese circled...

- Standlake, 4th September
Pit 60, unless stated: 1 Ruff 1 Black-tailed Godwit 2 LR Plover 1 Ringed Plover 1 Greenshank 1 Common Sand (& 1 pit 38) 1 Snipe (& 1 pit 38) 1 Dunlin 1 Common Tern 50 Teal 12 Shoveler ...

