Farmoor 25th September

Farmoor 25th September

Common Sand - 3
Common Tern - 1 juv (S)
Swallow - many (s)
Sand Martin - 1(s)

Farmoor today 11.30 - 13.30

44 Black Terns straight through. Three groups 18 6 20
5 Barwits
1 Greenshank
2 Common Sand

At around about 12.15 a flock of 34 Snow Geese circled the reservoir a few times before landing on F1 for about fifteen minutes. There were four blue phase birds and two juvs in the group.

(per Richard Tyler) photo (c) R.Tyler

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25th August Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 3 Greenshank: on N shore at 15:50. 2 Little Tern: flew in when I was watching other Terns. Seen in same view for size comparison. Black Tern: 1 matched to RW's photo + 2-3 other Terns that I couldn't...

- Farmoor Yesterday And Today
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