Standlake, 13th March

Standlake, 13th March

Firecrest 1, in bushes by bridge over stream between pits 38 & 60
Smew 4
Wigeon 125
Egyptian Goose 1, pit 38
Redshank 2
Teal 42
Chiffchaff 3
Siskin 2
Little Egret 1
Redpoll 1 & Siskin 45 at Dix

& Farmoor y/day
Brent Goose 1, FI from 10.30
Chiffchaff 6

- Standlake, 20th Feb
White-fronted Goose, 1ad in fields by Thames beyond pits 60 & 38Curlew 2, pit 60Oystercatcher 2, pit 60Pintail 282, most on pit 60Goosander 7, pits 27-28RC Pochard 27, dittoLittle Egret 3Siskin 1...

- Standlake Common, 29th March
Hen Harrier 1 ringtail Whitefronts 2ad Peregrine 1m Water Rail 1 heard Oystercatcher 4 Curlew 1 Goosander 13 Egyptian Goose 5 Pintail 2 Little Egret 2 Teal 406, Wigeon 256, Shoveler 69, Gadwall 49 RC Pochard 15 Lesser Redpoll 3...

- Standlake, Sun 22 January
Smew 1, redhead still pit 60 Goosander 1m WF Goose 1 Egyptian Goose 15 RC Pochard 11 Little Egret 2 Green Sandpiper 1 Teal 594 Wigeon 504 Pintail 2m 6 Goosander (4m 2f) at 16:30 +large Starling roost again (per Peter Law)...

- 4th December
Farmoor GN Diver 1 - E side FII at 10.10 Standlake Green Sand 1 White-fronted Goose 1ad - Thames fields Little Egret 1 Wigeon 300+ Teal 250 Pintail 1m...

- Standlake, 2 October
3 Little Egret - pit 60 1 Redpoll - over Shifford Lane 120 Wigeon 80 Gadwall 10 Chiffchaff 1 Blackcap 10 Swallow "Standlake" is my name for the area S of the A415 comprising pits 27-29, 38 and 60. Pit 60 is the reserve also called Standlake Common NR....

