Shellingford Pit 30 July

Shellingford Pit 30 July

Despite worryingly low water levels:
Greenshank 2
Green Sand 1
+ Several Small-red eyed Damsels

Greenshank (c) Stephen Burch
Click here to enlarge

- Standlake Pit 60: 1st August Late Morning
1 Green Sandpiper 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Greenshank Lapwing - large numbers Common Terns Little Egret Greenshank (c) Stephen BurchClick here for higher res ...

- Buscot 11 May
Turtle Dove (c) Stephen BurchClick here to enlarge...

- Farmoor 22 Sept Morning
Wheatear (c) Stephen BurchClick here to enlarge...

- Port Meadow Saturday 11 August
Peregrine - red plastic ring with letters 'LB'. Does anyone know what that means? Greenshank 3 Green Sandpiper 1+ Snipe 7 Common Sandpiper 3+ Little Egret  Little EgretPeregrine - click here to enlarge(c) Stephen Burch...

- Farmoor 11 February
2+ Red-crested Pochard on F1 Golden Plover (1) and Redshank (1) on Causeway. 1 SEO high over Shrike Meadow 3 Goosander (1 male) on the river and a few on F1 (c) Stephen Burch. Click here to enlarge.

