Farmoor 22 Sept morning

Farmoor 22 Sept morning

Wheatear (c) Stephen Burch
Click here to enlarge

- Farmoor 9th October
                                           Red-necked Grebe south end of F2                 ...

- Farmoor 22nd July
Both pictures courtesey of Stephen Collier                                            Black-tailed Godwit 25 F1 along causeway 18:17    ...

Lapland Bunting (c) Stephen Burch Click here for high res version. Wheatear at Farmoor (c) Stephen Burch ...

Sanderling Farmoor 8th Sept (c) Dai Johns...

- Farmoor 2nd October
From Stephen Bell: 1 Rock Pipit1 Northern Wheatear1 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper Also barnacle & bar-headed geese. Farmoor plastic (c) Stephen Bell ...

