Shellingford Pit: 19 January

Shellingford Pit: 19 January

Snipe (c. 50)
Meadow Pipit
Green Woodpecker

(c) Stephen Burch

- Standlake Pit 60: 18 July Am
 No sign of Redstart, Green Sandpipers nor any other migrant waders!  Common Tern (c) Stephen BurchLapwing (c) Stephen Burch Little Egret (c) Stephen ...

- Otmoor 16 August
2 Marsh Harriers 2 Green Sandpipers2 Greenshank 2 Black-tailed Godwit 1 Little-ringed Plover juv 1 Dunlin 5+ Snipe 200+ Lapwing (Brown Hairstreak - Roman Road) Lapwing (c) Stephen Burch Green Sandpiper (c) Stephen Garganey...

- Letcombe Bassett: 16 February
(c) Stephen

- Rare Dragonfly Alert!
Crookham and Greenham Common, only just to the south of the County yesterday (18th) had  the following rare species: Red-veined Darter (4-5 terneral males) Lesser Emperor 1 Small-red eyed Damselfly 10+ So those looking for dragons and damsels in...

- Farmoor 11 February
2+ Red-crested Pochard on F1 Golden Plover (1) and Redshank (1) on Causeway. 1 SEO high over Shrike Meadow 3 Goosander (1 male) on the river and a few on F1 (c) Stephen Burch. Click here to enlarge.

