Shellingford Pit, 15 September

Shellingford Pit, 15 September

Migrant Hawker 10+
Emerald Damselfly 3 - first site record last weekend by Ian Waller
Yellow Wagtail 1
Snipe 2
Teal 10
Migrant Hawker (c) Stephen Burch
Click here to enlarge

- Farmoor 22 Sept Morning
Wheatear (c) Stephen BurchClick here to enlarge...

- Rare Dragonfly Alert!
Crookham and Greenham Common, only just to the south of the County yesterday (18th) had  the following rare species: Red-veined Darter (4-5 terneral males) Lesser Emperor 1 Small-red eyed Damselfly 10+ So those looking for dragons and damsels in...

- Bernwood 21st July
Crossbill 2+ Yellow Wagtail Marsh Tit Purple Emperor 8+ (along the main track from the car park 10:45-14:30) White Admiral  Silver-washed Fritillary  6+ Emperor Dragonfly Brown Hawker Southern Hawker...

- Otmoor Sun 21st & Mon 22nd August
Brown Hawker Redstart Little Egret Migrant Hawker All Photo's (c) W.P.Bull ...

- Radley Gravel Pits 30th Sept

