Rushey Common area, 3rd September

Rushey Common area, 3rd September

Common Sandpiper 2
Green Sandpiper 2
Egyptian Geese 2
Lots of Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps
Little Grebe 4
Yellow Legged Gull 2


- Rushey Common Area/ Witney 24th November
Rushey Common area Redpoll 2 Green Sandpiper Snipe Yellowhammers 2m Egyptian Geese 2 Siskin Edge of Witney sewage works Grey Wagtail Witney Lake Kingfisher 2 Little Egret Chiffchaff 2 Grey Wagtail Clackers ...

- Rushy Common 4th October
Egyptian Geese Rushy Common by Badger. Peregrine Green Sandpiper Egyptian Geese 2 Yellow-legged Gull 3+ Dix Pit Red-crested Pochard 11+ Wigeon 300+ Egyptian Geese 2 Cetti's Warbler (per Dave Doherty) Wheatear 2 (per Dave Doherty) (Andy Last &...

- Rushey Common Area, 28th August
Grey Wagtail 6 Common Sandpiper 4 Green Sandpiper 2 Kingfisher Hobby Egyptian Geese 3 Clackers...

- Stanton Harcourt 25th August
Ruff 14 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 3 (Rushey C) Green Sandpiper (Rushey C) Lapwing 600+ Red-crested Pochard 5 Yellow-legged Gull 5...

- Stanton Harcourt 24th Sept
Ringed Plover Green Sandpiper Teal 4 Yellow-legged Gull Kingfisher (m) Rushy Common Common Sandpiper Green Sandpiper Yellow-legged Gull (per Clackers)...

