Rushey Common area, 25th July

Rushey Common area, 25th July

Common Sandpiper 5
Green Sandpiper 4
Little Egret 3
Oystercatcher 2


- Standlake Pit 60, 4th August
Greenshank 2 Little Ringed Plover 2 Green Sandpiper c3 Common Sandpiper c4 Little Egret 2 Oystercatcher 2 Three separate family parties of Goldcrests all containing several juvs Clackers + AC...

- Rushey Common Area, 25th July
Common Sandpiper 5 Green Sandpiper 4 Little Egret 3 Oystercatcher 2 Clackers...

- 8th July Rushey Common
The Great White Egret is currently on the Grassy Lake next to the Tar Lake at Rushey Common. Now on near bank just over hedge 10:30 a.m. Also at Rushey Common: 2 Green Sandpipers 1 Common Sandpiper (per Keith Clack). Rushey Common Nature Reserve is...

- Rushey Common 28th July
Sightings from this morning 3+ Green Sandpiper 1 Common Sandpiper 2 Ringed Plover 1 Dunlin 2 Little Egret Per Clackers ...

- Farmoor 15th July
2 Oystercatcher 1 Green Sandpiper 2 Common Sandpiper 1 Little Egret 1 Redstart 2 Yellow Wagtail 3 Common Tern...

