Red-rumped Swallow at Farmoor

Red-rumped Swallow at Farmoor

Barry Batchelor has just found one along the edge of FII next to the car park.

Not seen since about 1:40 p.m though the hirundines are apparently all dispersed at present (per Lew)

Again from the causeway at 17:15 (per Steve Goddard)

Showing well from 18:15 onwards off the causeway near the car park 


The red-rumped swallow today (c) Roger Green

- Farmoor Reservoir: 11th January
Great northern Diver 2 (both juv) still 16:40 Goldeneye 2 pair. Goosander: f. Little Egret (Barry Batchelor and Steve Goddard)...

- Tuesday 21st May Farmoor
2 Black-necked Grebes still 12:41at eastern side of F2 near the causeway and showing well (per Peter Law) on F1 near the causeway at the east (car park) end. (per Dai John)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 29th March
Black Redstart still, nr works c13:30. 2 Wheatear: along causeway. 3 Rock Pipit: causeway. Redshank: causeway. 2 Little Gull: W edge of F2. Red-crested Pochard: drk. W edge of F1. 2 Scaup: W edge of F1. 26 Goldeneye: F1. 2 Sand Martin: SE corner of F2....

- Farmoor 6th May
Red-rumped Swallow 09:45 to 10:15 until a hobby flushed all the hirundines. As the weather brightened, most birds started to feed at a much higher altitude....

- Farmoor 5th April
The first Red-rumped Swallow for both Farmoor and Oxon was present from 8th to 12th May 1997 when it was still an official rarity. It's become commoner in the UK since then, with some big influxes, but it's still taken 15 years for another to...

