Farmoor 6th May

Farmoor 6th May

Red-rumped Swallow 09:45 to 10:15 until a hobby flushed all the hirundines. As the weather brightened, most birds started to feed at a much higher altitude.

- Shipton Under Wychwood 21st April
Paul Wren has found a male Wood Warbler at Shipton under Wychwood. From the road from Chipping Norton, go past the garage and look 40 yards past the bridge over the River Evenlode in the trees by the side of the road near the pond in the garden of the...

- Farmoor 24th May
Common Swift Swallow Juvenile Swallow Vile weather all day but great conditions for watching hirundines and swifts. Most surprising was a juvenile Swallow. Hard to imagine where this individual has come from, surely too cold and too early in the year...

- Farmoor 6th May
The Red-rumped swallow again this morning  just south of the tower at 09:44 but no further sign by 12:50 (per RBA)...

- Farmoor 5th April
The first Red-rumped Swallow for both Farmoor and Oxon was present from 8th to 12th May 1997 when it was still an official rarity. It's become commoner in the UK since then, with some big influxes, but it's still taken 15 years for another to...

- Red-rumped Swallow At Farmoor
Barry Batchelor has just found one along the edge of FII next to the car park. Not seen since about 1:40 p.m though the hirundines are apparently all dispersed at present (per Lew) Again from the causeway at 17:15 (per Steve Goddard) Showing well from...

