Ravens 25th February
2 Ravens flying over Shilton south of Burford and a Red Kite near Fifield north of Burford
Burford 17th October
Hen Harrier ringtail (prob ad/fem)
North of Burford flew NE.over Blackheath farm 5.26pm + fem Merlin.
(per Dave Morgan)...
North Of Burford 20th May
Montagu's Harrier 1f - over downs a few miles north of Burford...
Burford 2nd May
1 Northern Wheatear just north of Burford...
25th And 26th
25th 3 Ravens and 1 parakeet Henley on Thames 26th 5 Parakeets Sonning Eye Hugh Netley...
Otmoor Sunday Afternoon
1 Hobby 2 Ravens in the Closes. 2 Green Sands Usual Buzzard, Red Kite, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk 25 Wigeon 30+ Teal...