North of Burford 20th May

North of Burford 20th May

Montagu's Harrier 1f  - over downs a few miles north of Burford

- Burford 17th October
Hen Harrier ringtail (prob ad/fem) North of Burford flew NE.over Blackheath farm 5.26pm + fem Merlin. (per Dave Morgan)...

- Burford 2nd May
1 Northern Wheatear just north of Burford...

- Burford 30th September
Probable Osprey 1ml west of Burford north of A40/B4425 junction over field by river Windrush at midday (per RBA)...

- Quail Nr Burford 23rd June
Quail singing 1ml north of Burford in field by A424/minor road to Milton under Wychwood junction at 6.50pm. (per RBA)...

- Quail 14th June
1ml NNE.of Burford, south of Milton Downs Farm Quail (male) calling from cereal fields around small wood along minor road between Downs Lodge and Milton Downs Farm. SP264152. Dave Morgan...

