Radley Lakes 19th November

Radley Lakes 19th November

On Thrupp Lake this afternoon:
2 redhead Goosanders
1 male Pintail
c.10 Shoveler
4 Wigeon
c.20 Gadwall
c.24 Teal
c.45 Tufted duck
2 Common gull
1 Kingfisher

- Thrupp Lake, Radley,13th Jan
2 Little Grebe 30+ Cormorant 30+ Teal 20+ Wigeon 60+ Gadwall 6 Pintail 3♂ 3♀ 5 Shoveler 100+ B H Gull 6 Common Gull 3 Herring Gull 7 LBB Gull 1 GBB Gull 1 Kingfisher 3 Bullfinch 1 Stonechat ♂ (In paddock next to Thrupp Lane) Lower Radley:-...

- Dorchester 13th February
Allen Pit 1 Smew (redhead) 21 Goosander (7 male, 14 redhead) 930 Wigeon 60 Shoveler 18 Gadwall 2 Egyptian Geese 6 Common gull Drayton Road Pit 192 Teal 9 Common Gull 52 Tufted Duck 24 Gadwall 3 Wigeon 12 Pochard...

- Radley Lakes Sat 5th March
1 Goldeneye- female (Thrupp Lake) 1 Smew- redhead (Thrupp Lake) 1 Redshank (Lake G) 3 Green Sandpiper (Lake G) 49 Lapwing (Lake G) 26 Cormorant 1 Common gull c. 10 Shoveler c. 10 Pochard c. 30 Teal c.80 Gadwall...

- Radley Lakes Sunday 12th December (pm)
All following birds on Thrupp Lake. (Thrupp Lake ice free along its western side, all other lakes frozen). 2 male and 1 female Goosander 3 male and 1 female Pintail c.490 Coot c.50 Gadwall 24 Mute Swan c.20 Pochard c.815 Teal (of which c.322 in photo)...

- Radley Lakes Saturday 4th December (pm)
Most lakes rapidly becoming ice free 3 or 4 male Pintail c. 390 Coot 3 Common Gull c.105 Gadwall c.45 Mute Swan c.10 Pochard c.10 Shoveler 2 Snipe c.570 Teal c.18 Tufted Duck c.90 Wigeon Plus numerous Redwings and Fieldfares...

