Thrupp lake, Radley,13th Jan

Thrupp lake, Radley,13th Jan

2 Little Grebe
30+ Cormorant
30+ Teal
20+ Wigeon
60+ Gadwall
6 Pintail 3♂ 3♀
5 Shoveler
100+ B H Gull
6 Common Gull
3 Herring Gull
7 LBB Gull
1 GBB Gull
1 Kingfisher
3 Bullfinch
1 Stonechat ♂ (In paddock next to Thrupp Lane)

Lower Radley:-
2 Adult Whooper Swans still in field next to Thames,north of Radley boathouse 10.30 a.m

W Bull

- Lower Radley: 16th January
Lower Radley Whooper Swan: ad. In field north of Radley boathouse, with Mute Swans. 14:45. Steve Goddard...

- Iceland Gull 7th December
Iceland Gull (2ndw) On the Spit Pit 12:15 to 12:45. (Simon Bradfield) And again 14:00-15:45p.m (Badger) + Yellow-legged Gull (ad) 8 Common Gull Radley Iceland Gull (2ndw) 16:05 amongst the Thrupp Lake roost....

- Radley Lakes Sat 5th March
1 Goldeneye- female (Thrupp Lake) 1 Smew- redhead (Thrupp Lake) 1 Redshank (Lake G) 3 Green Sandpiper (Lake G) 49 Lapwing (Lake G) 26 Cormorant 1 Common gull c. 10 Shoveler c. 10 Pochard c. 30 Teal c.80 Gadwall...

- Radley Gravel Pits/lakes 24th Feb
Mallard,Tufted Duck, 2 Pochard 4 Shoveler 40+ Teal 60+ Gadwall 2 Buzzard 2 Red Kite 100+ Lapwing 2 Green Sandpiper 200+ B H Gull 7 Common Gull 100+ L B B Gull 2 G B B Gull 10 Herring Gull 2 Stock Dove 8 Skylark 1 Treecreeper 2 Siskin 2 Bullfinch...

- Around Abingdon 27th November
Radley Lakes All lakes mostly frozen, apart from most of Thrupp Lake. c.4 Common Gull c.390 Coot c.100 Gadwall c.50 Mute Swan c.16 Pochard c.10 Shoveler c.54 Teal c.13 Tufted duck c.75 Wigeon Wilsham Road Gravel Pits Part of marina frozen, rest all un-iced....

