Port Meadow

Port Meadow

1 Ruff
1 Redshank
2 Dunlin
130 Golden Plover
1 Rock Pipit

Otmoor last night
1 Hobby
5 Stonechat
2 Green Sands
2 Little Egret
1 Curlew
1 Yellow wag
1200 Starlings in roost

- Port Meadow: 30th October
Port Meadow 6 Dunlin 2 Ruff Pintail: m. Yellow-legged Gull 1000 Golden Plover 50 Snipe Redshank Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 24th October
Port Meadow 6 Dunlin 1200 Golden Plover 100 Snipe 1 Peregrine Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow 29th July
In the company of Jarrod Hadfield: 2 wood sands 2 green sands 2 common sands 2 blackwits 1 oystercatcher 13 dunlin 3 redshank Gnome...

- Otmoor.a.m. 23rd March.
15 curlew 1 f/merlin 7 l. egret 3 ruff 12+ redshank 3 oystercatcher c.10 dunlin c.120 golden plover 1 water rail...

- Port Meadow Oct 9th (15:15 - 17:30)
Rock Pipit - 1 Golden Plover - 71 Wigeon - 36 Teal - 45 Dunlin - 3 Redshank - 1 Ruff - 2 Juvs ChiffChaff - 2 Yellow Wagtail - 1 Photo (c) Adam Hartley...

