Port Meadow: 24th October

Port Meadow: 24th October

Port Meadow
6 Dunlin
1200 Golden Plover
100 Snipe
1 Peregrine

Adam Hartley

- Port Meadow: 25th January
Port Meadow Peregrine 4 Dunlin 2 Shelduck 3 Pintail: male. 250 Lapwing: very large count for the Meadow. 10 Golden Plover 4 Common Gull Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow 23rd April
Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park 2 Whinchat Port Meadow Common Sandpiper: Along the Castle Mill Stream. Adam Hartley Port Meadow 2 Dunlin: The only waders on the meadow this morning. About 50 ducks, mainly mallards and teal, and about 30 gulls....

- Port Meadow: 30th October
Port Meadow 6 Dunlin 2 Ruff Pintail: m. Yellow-legged Gull 1000 Golden Plover 50 Snipe Redshank Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 10th September
Port Meadow 7 Black-tailed Godwit 3 Ringed Plover 6 Dunlin 32 Golden Plover 2 Yellow Wagtail Adam Hartley More at Port Meadow Birding ...

- Port Meadow: 4th November
Port Meadow 3 Greenshank: Flying overhead calling loudly. Redshank 60 Wigeon 500 Golden Plover Adam Hartley Photo: 1st/w common gull (c) Adam Hartley More at Port Meadow Birding ...

