Port Meadow 28th October

lesser yellowlegs,
2 ruff,
c. 1000 golden plover,
improving gull roost with more large gulls including 2 greater black-backed gulls
Photo (c) Nigel Forrow
Upper Wardington: 23rd Aug 2015
Mediterranean Gull, adult 2 Yellow-legged Gulls With c.500 Lesser Black-backed Gulls in ploughed field off the A361 (per Mike Pollard)...
Port Meadow: 23rd October
Port Meadow Curlew 100 Snipe: Approx count. 2 Dunlin 1000 Golden Plover 8 Common Gull: 7 x ad., 1 x 1w. Great Black-backed Gull Also Short-eared Owl seen a couple of times over the last few days Adam Hartley...
Adult Med Gull In Farmoor Roost
No Twite; No GG Shrike but an Adult Med Gull in the roost instead, photographed here at ISO 3200 setting near dusk i.e. more noise than sharpness but interestingly arty nevertheless. Roost also had plenty of G B-backs, Lesser Black-backs - varied intermedius...
Port Meadow Saturday 30th October
1 lesser yellowlegs, 1 or 2 ruff, 4 dunlin, 600+ golden plover, quite a few mipits & skylarks around, Photo (c) Nigel Forrow...
Port Meadow Tuesday 26th October: Lesser Yellowlegs Still
1 lesser yellowlegs 2 ruff 2 or 3 dunlin several hundred golden plover good numbers of wigeon, teal & shoveler gull roost of a couple of thousand black-headed gulls Ruff photo (c) Steve Burch...