Port Meadow Saturday 30th October

lesser yellowlegs,
1 or 2 ruff,
4 dunlin,
600+ golden plover,
quite a few mipits & skylarks around,
Photo (c) Nigel Forrow
Port Meadow 5th November
1 lesser yellowlegs, 1 redshank, 2 ruff, 4 or 5 dunlin, c. 12 snipe, c. 1000 golden plover, Photo (c) Adam Hartley...
Port Meadow 29th October
1 lesser yellowlegs 1 ruff 4 dunlin c. 400 golden plover 1 yellow-legged gull 2 greater black-backed gull 2 common gull 2 snipe 1 egyptian goose (leucistic bird) (c) Nigel Forrow ...
Port Meadow Tuesday 26th October: Lesser Yellowlegs Still
1 lesser yellowlegs 2 ruff 2 or 3 dunlin several hundred golden plover good numbers of wigeon, teal & shoveler gull roost of a couple of thousand black-headed gulls Ruff photo (c) Steve Burch...
Port Meadow (oct 22nd 1-2pm)
As well as the Lesser Yellowlegs mentioned earlier Golden Plover - 400 Dunlin - 4 Ruff - 2 Large numbers of Wigeon and Teal with some Shovelar. The meadow is looking good, keep checking those ducks and goldies!...
PORT MEADOW Up to 1100 am Lesser Yellowlegs 1 Common Redshank 1 Little Stint 1 Dunlin 3 Golden Plover 27 Ruff 1 Common Snipe 3 Lapwing 35 Wigeon 454 Shoveler 7 Teal n/c ChiffChaff 1...