Port Meadow: 23rd October

Port Meadow: 23rd October

Port Meadow
White-fronted Goose: Associating with flock of Greylags.

Sydney Penner

- Port Meadow: 8th January
Port Meadow 45 Barnacle Goose 2 White-fronted Goose 4 Bar-headed Goose 2 Yellow-legged Gull Adam Hartley More at Port Meadow Birding...

- Port Meadow: 27th September
Port Meadow Spotted Flycatcher: Along the canal path just south of Port Meadow proper. I did not see the three along the Trap Ground allotments reported yesterday. Sydney Penner...

- Port Meadow: 31st July
Port Meadow Little Egret Barnacle Goose: I don't know enough about their occurrence in the UK to know if it's likely to be an escapee or not. Sydney Penner...

- Port Meadow 15th May
Wood Sandpiper at southern end of flood on Port Meadow at 8:12pm also 5 dunlin (per Gnome) Greenshank Egyptian Goose 40 Swift Sydney Penner The wood sandpiper on the floods this evening (c) Adam Hartley. More details on Port Meadow Birding...

- Goingbirding: 10th April
Port Meadow 2 Oystercatcher Black-tailed Godwit 3 Egyptian Goose Sydney Penner ...

