Port Meadow: 27th September

Port Meadow: 27th September

Port Meadow
Spotted Flycatcher: Along the canal path just south of Port Meadow proper. I did not see the three along the Trap Ground allotments reported yesterday.

Sydney Penner

- Port Meadow: 30th March
Port Meadow Peregrine: On the ground eating a kill. Ruff Dunlin 2 Little Ringed Plover: reported by two other birders. 2 Shelduck Woodcock, flushed from the Trap Grounds this morning (per Tom Evans) Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 18th November
Port Meadow 7 Dunlin Redshank 10 Ruff Sydney Penner...

- Port Meadow: 16th August

- Port Meadow: 6th May
Port Meadow 3 Bar-tailed Godwit 5 Greenshank Whimbrel Oystercatcher Kingfisher Sydney Penner Also 1 reed warbler on the Trap Grounds 2 garden wablers on Burgess Field Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 11th April
Port Meadow Pintail 11 Gadwall 8 Blackcap Dunlin 2 Oystercatcher 3 Little Ringed Plover 2 Shelduck Sydney Penner Also 2 swallows 1 house martin 1 stock dove Adam Hartley Photo (c) Adam Hartley More at Port Meadow Birding...

