Port Meadow: 21st May

Port Meadow: 21st May

Yellow Wagtail Male blue-headed (ssp. flava).
6 Grey Heron
2 Little Gull: 1s.
3 Shelduck

Sydney Penner

- Port Meadow: 14th May
Little Gull (1s) Yellow Wagtail Sydney Penner...

- Port Meadow: 1st May

- Goingbirding: 12th May
Port Meadow 2 Oystercatcher 2 Yellow Wagtail: One a possible female blue-headed type. Richard Foster ...

- Port Meadow: 6th May
1 Grey Plover 1 Bar-tailed Godwit 3 Greenshank 2 Common Sandpiper 1 Oystercatcher 5 Yellow Wagtail Adam Hartley 1 Little Ringed Plover (per Richard Foster) 3 Whimbrel (per Richard Foster) 4 Common Tern: One brought several fish from the river to partner...

- Port Meadow 28th April
2 Garganey: 1m 1f. 2 Dunlin 3 Golden Plover 1 Oystercatcher 1 female Blue-headed Wagtail (m.f. flava) present since yesterday evening 3 Garden Warblers in Burgess Field 1 Egyptian Goose 1 probable Arctic Tern Adam Hartley Some record shot footage of...

