Port Meadow: 6th May

Port Meadow: 6th May

1 Grey Plover
1 Bar-tailed Godwit
3 Greenshank
2 Common Sandpiper
1 Oystercatcher
5 Yellow Wagtail

Adam Hartley

1 Little Ringed Plover (per Richard Foster)
3 Whimbrel (per Richard Foster)

4 Common Tern: One brought several fish from the river to partner waiting by the flood. (Sydney Penner)
Lesser Whitethroat in Burgess Field (Sydney Penner)

- Port Meadow: 14th April
2 Shelduck 2 Oystercatcher 2 Dunlin 7 Ringed Plover 2 Little Ringed Plover 1 Bar-tailed Godwit 6 Redshank 1 Common Tern 1 Sand Martin 2 House Martins 10+ Swallow 2 Chiffchaff 175 Golden Plover 1 Wheatear Sydney Penner, Liam Langley, Richard Foster...

- Port Meadow: 6th July
Port Meadow Redshank: per Richard Foster. 2 Oystercatcher: per Richard Foster. Common Sandpiper 5 Dunlin 6 Little Ringed Plover 24 Little Egret: per Jarrod Hadfield. Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 6th May
Port Meadow 3 Bar-tailed Godwit 5 Greenshank Whimbrel Oystercatcher Kingfisher Sydney Penner Also 1 reed warbler on the Trap Grounds 2 garden wablers on Burgess Field Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow: 5th May
1 Greenshank 2 Oystercatcher 4 Common Sandpiper 1 Red Kite 1 Lesser Whitethroat in Burgess Field Adam Hartley Also per Richard Foster: 2 Dunlin 2 Golden Plover 6 Common Tern 5 Yellow Wagtail...

- Goingbirding: 2nd May
Port Meadow 25 Bar-tailed Godwit 2 Ringed Plover Grey Plover Oystercatcher 3 Common Tern 2 Yellow Wagtail Richard Foster ...

