Port Meadow: 19th February

Port Meadow: 19th February

Kittiwake c09:30 then flew W/S/W (per Dave Doherty)
Red-crested Pochard: fem.
3 Goosander: 2m, 1f.

Peter Law

- Stanton Harcourt/hardwick 5th January
No sign of the Slavonian Grebe on Pit 10 by 09:30 (per Dave Doherty). Goosander (m)...

- Rushy Common 4th October
Egyptian Geese Rushy Common by Badger. Peregrine Green Sandpiper Egyptian Geese 2 Yellow-legged Gull 3+ Dix Pit Red-crested Pochard 11+ Wigeon 300+ Egyptian Geese 2 Cetti's Warbler (per Dave Doherty) Wheatear 2 (per Dave Doherty) (Andy Last &...

- Port Meadow 17th July
Siskin 4 over Port Meadow c08:20 (per Dave Doherty)...

- Standlake Pit 10 April 17th
Garden Warbler Sedge Warbler 2 Cetti's Warbler Red-crested Pochard 6 (per Dave Doherty)...

- Port Meadow 12th March
Ringed Plover (h) over Port Meadow Dunlin 2 Shelduck 6 Pintail 2+ (per Dave Doherty)...

