Port Meadow 17th July

Port Meadow 17th July

Siskin 4 over Port Meadow c08:20

(per Dave Doherty)

- Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park: 5th September
I spent a good couple of hours hunting for the Wryneck without success today. Location details are now on the Port Meadow Birding blog. Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park 2 Lesser Whitethroat Siskin: Heard-only, at least one. Port Meadow Hobby:...

- Port Meadow: 9th April
Port Meadow 2 Garganey: m & f (f at midday only per Mary MacDougall) 3 Redshank 5 Shelduck Little Egret 1 Swallow 2 Sand Martins 2 Little Ringed Plover  (Erik Sandvig & Steve Lavington) 1 Wheatear Adam Hartley Burgess Field Male Redstart ...

- Farmoor 7th May
Dai John had 2 Cranes fly over heading towards Port Meadow at 8a.m. Alex Martin on Port Meadow hasn't managed to pick them up from the Meadow side so far....

- Port Meadow 23rd April
Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park 2 Whinchat Port Meadow Common Sandpiper: Along the Castle Mill Stream. Adam Hartley Port Meadow 2 Dunlin: The only waders on the meadow this morning. About 50 ducks, mainly mallards and teal, and about 30 gulls....

- Port Meadow: 16th September
Port Meadow Whinchat: Found by Dave Lowe. 3 Dunlin 16 Yellow Wagtail Adam Hartley (c) Gnome (Click to enlarge). More at Port Meadow Birding ...

