Oxon Photographers Success

Oxon Photographers Success

Congratulations should go to Roger Wyatt and Nigel Forrow who both got honourable mentions in this weeks Bird Guides PotW (Photo of the Week) competition. It's great that the county has such a high calibre of bird photography expertise.

Both Roger & Nigel also have photo's published in this months Birding World.

- Editorial Policy On Oxon Birding Blog
In the light of the number of comments on the recent Marcham Garden posting we (Badger & Gnome) reluctantly feel that we need to step in to state the official position of Oxon Birding. It was originally set up due to dis-satisfaction with the available...

- Last Saturdays Bird Ringing Demo At Farmoor
Photo's & comments from the Pinkhill Bird Ringing demo 25th March. ''I attended the Farmoor Bird Ringing Event this morning and would like to thank the experts and the others in the team that attended and gave a very informative talk and...

- Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from Gnome & Badger at the Oxon Bird Log! Thanks to all our contributors for making the blog such a great success, it's far exceeded our expectations in every way. We hope that you have a great Christmas and a bird-filled New...

- Waxwing Photo Prize
Whilst Carlsberg Special Brew is generally acknowledged to be the tipple of choice for the discerning wino, the Oxon Bird Log team (i.e Badger & Gnome) would like to confirm that the official prize for the first waxwing photo on the blog was indeed...

- Port Meadow 'legs Still
It's still there this morning (per Bird Guides) Still there at midday (per R.B.A) + 2 Little Stints. Still there this evening (per Bird Guides) A proper SLR photo of the bird at last courtesy of Steve Burch ...

