Last Saturdays Bird Ringing Demo at Farmoor
Photo's & comments from the Pinkhill Bird Ringing demo 25th March.
''I attended the Farmoor Bird Ringing Event this morning and would like to thank the experts and the others in the team that attended and gave a very informative talk and demonstration''
(Roger Green)

''A great opportunity to see common birds
uncommonly close with explanations of
the 'mechanics' of bird flight''
''Was a good morning, very interesting to see the ringing and some good discussion too.
Thank you to Matt and the rest of the team''
(Gareth Blockley)
Thanks again to Matt Prior, The team from
the Edward Grey Institute and the OOS for
a very enjoyable and informative morning.
Top photo (c) Roger GreenSnipe & Robin photos (c) Gareth Blockley
Colour Ringed Sanderling At Farmoor
This Sanderling was on the causeway this morning. The unique combination of colour rings has enabled the bird to be traced back to its original ringing date when it was ringed as a nesting female at Zackenberg in northern Greenland on 8th July 2011 as...
Farmoor Reservoir: 16th September
White Wagtail (juv) Caught by Matt Prior and shown during the ring demo. 2 Sanderling (juv) 3 Dunlin Sand Martin: One seen early morning. 300 House Martin: Varying numbers all morning but at some points well over 300. 25 Meadow Pipit: Steady flow of birds...
Ringed Black-necked Grebe - The Challenge
One of the Farmoor Res male birds has a large bright metal ring on its right leg. When it preens or dives the ring becomes visible. I am sure that the numerous Photographers might already have or be able to obtain enough of a freeze frame picture to ID...
Farmoor Ringing Demo 12th Feb
I went to the ringing demonstration at Farmoor this morning. During the time I was there at least 30 people visited, including several youngsters, who had the opportunity to see and handle wild birds under the supervision of Matt Prior. Birds seen and...
Bird Ringing Demo Saturday 12th Feb
Bird ringing demonstration by the hide at Pinkhill Nature Reserve, Farmoor Reservoir this Saturday 12th Feb. We expect to catch Nuthatch, Marsh Tits and Reed Buntings amongst others. The demonstration will start at 0800 and finish at 1130. Those wishing...