Oxford 26th November Waxwings

Oxford 26th November Waxwings

4 Waxwings in central Oxford in St. Giles by the church this afternoon until 3:30 pm at least.

(per RBA)

- Oxford Waxwings 1st December
12 Waxwing feeding on berries in private gardens in Bullingdon Road (off Cowley Road) before flying off around 14:40 (per Steve Roby) 28 Waxwings in St. Giles churchyard, central Oxford at 8:30 a.m. (per RBA) No sign at around midday but they were ringing...

- Oxford Waxwings, 28th November
 St Giles Church, Oxford: 16 Waxwings still present at 15:20  The Slade, Headington, Oxford: 20 Waxwings flew along The Slade at 15:45 Best I could do in the gloomy conditions (c) Gnome ...

- Waxwings 14th Feb
100 Waxwings Abingdon still along the Wooton Road near the 'One Stop' shop 07:45 (per B.B) 17 Waxwings by 08:30 (Steve Clark) Around 2.15.pm today there was a flock of 50 waxwings in the trees opposite Sainsburys at Heyford Hill on the Oxford...

- Waxwings 12th January
c80 Waxwings Alexander Close Abingdon 09.14-09.25 though mobile. 30 Waxwing Oxford still at Osney Allotments early afternoon (per R.B.A) 4-5 Waxwings this morning in Oxford on Howard Street and in the Cricket Road allotments behind the Howard Street houses...

- Waxwings 3rd January
3 Waxwings flew east over Kingston Road (Walton Manor, Oxford) calling and then back west again. May be same birds that were seen on Southmoor Road two days ago. It may also be worth checking out the Waterside development. (per Gnome) At least 12 Waxwings...

