Waxwings 12th January

Waxwings 12th January

c80 Waxwings Alexander Close Abingdon 09.14-09.25 though mobile.

30 Waxwing Oxford still at Osney Allotments early afternoon
(per R.B.A)

4-5 Waxwings this morning in Oxford on Howard Street and in the Cricket Road allotments behind the Howard Street houses
(per Oz)

17 Waxwings still in Banbury near Hi-Q at lunchtime
(per Steve Holiday see Comments)

- Waxwings Oxford 23rd Feb
Five waxwings in east Oxford this afternoon (at the junction of Silver Road and Howard Street). Per D. Woodfield c40 Waxwings Cowley (per RBA)...

- Waxwings 13th January
c80 Waxwings Alexander Close Abingdon 09.30-10.20a.m Birds were landing in the road and drinking from the puddles. (Badger then Wayne Bull) 3+Waxwings Banbury on bank near flyover at 11a.m (per R.B.A) 7 Waxwings Sandford-on-Thames (per N.J.H) C. 25+ Waxwings,...

- Waxwings 31st December
Approx 15 Waxwings flew north over Lake Street Oxford heading towards the Grandpont area at 11:56a.m. (per Dave Lowe) 12 Waxwings flew over the Warneford Hospital at Rosavelt Drive entrance heading towards the Churchill at 9.15am today. Couldn't locate...

- Waxwings 23rd December
c. 21 Waxwings still on Colwell Drive, Witney at 11:30 (per Keith Clack) Single Waxwing trilling at top of tall tree by our garden drive this morning in Kingham (per Ewan) One Waxwing in Marlborough Place, Eynsham mid-morning (per Bird Guides) 19 Waxwings...

- Waxwings 21st December
Stonesfield Waxwing photo (c) Martin Gasgoine-pees. Waxwing in Long Hanborough at Swan Hill 8.30a.m (per Paul Wren) A single Waxwing in Oxford city centre 08.45 on Thames Street. Feeding on ?Whitebeam in central reservation between opposing flows of...

