Otmoor Tree Sparrows 30th November

Otmoor Tree Sparrows 30th November

Paul Greenaway has just phoned to say that there are two Tree Sparrows on the temporary feeders near the new hide.

- Balscote Quarry 9th November
No sign of the Great grey Shrike between 09:00-12:30. Tree Sparrow c10 Golden Plover c120 Snipe 5   Tree Sparrows Balscote Quarry feeders Please view at 720p or 1080p HD...

- Stonesfield Common
Water Rail Siskin Reed Bunting 4 Several Tree Sparrows near Eynsham...

- 3rd August Spadjers Kilmester Farm & House Martins Buscot.
In excess of 20 Tree Sparrows on the feeders at Kilmester Farm buscot.  20 plus House Martins doing what they and Swallows often do in extremely - and one would think - unbearably hot conditions settling on a barn roof....

- Farmoor And Rushy
2 Dunlin on causeway, not a lot else. No sign of American Wigeon at Rushy between 12:00 - 15:00. 2 Smew, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Goosander, 2 Oystercatcher. 35 Tree Sparrows, Tadpole Bridge (per TW and JL)...

- Tadpole Bridge 6th Feb
About 20 Tree Sparrows at Tadpole Bridge with Chaffinches, House Sparrows, and Great Tits....

