Farmoor and Rushy

Farmoor and Rushy

2 Dunlin on causeway, not a lot else.

No sign of American Wigeon at Rushy between 12:00 - 15:00.
2 Smew, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Goosander, 2 Oystercatcher.

35 Tree Sparrows, Tadpole Bridge (per TW and JL)

- American Wigeon 14th March
Rushy Common American Wigeon (m) Same place as reported yesterday - on the first lake to the right of the bridle path. 2 Oystercatcher Green Sandpiper Richard Foster...

- American Wigeon 2nd March
Rushy Common American Wigeon (dk) By Island on pit set back and aproached from bridleway and to right of road. Midday. 2 Oystercatcher: on main pit. 2 Smew: redheads. John Hillsdon...

- American Wigeon 18th February
American Wigeon (dk) still at Rushy Common 07:46a.m (per Dave Lowe) -Sill there late p.m +2 Smew (both readheads)+Oystercatcher (per T.Tossel)+Green Sand (per Oz) Rushy Common is off of the minor road between Cogges and Stanton Harcourt. There is currently...

- Tadpole Bridge
4 Tree Sparrows seen with House Sparrows in hedge next to Tadpole Bridge Cottage this morning....

- Tadpole Bridge 6th Feb
About 20 Tree Sparrows at Tadpole Bridge with Chaffinches, House Sparrows, and Great Tits....

