Otmoor Sparrowhawk, 30th & 31st July

Otmoor Sparrowhawk, 30th & 31st July

photo (c) Nigel Forrow

Good views on Saturday with several appearances perched out in the open but none on Sunday morning except for fly-pasts.

- Abingdon, 3rd May
Sparrowhawk perched on garden fence, 6.50 pmPhoto (c) Nigel Forrow...

- Otmoor 26th February
Bittern (showing on and off from the 2nd screen all morning but no sign in the afternoon by 15:30) White-fronted Goose (on The Closes with the Greylags) Short-eared Owl Peregrine Sparrowhawk                                                       ...

- Oxon Photographers Success
Congratulations should go to Roger Wyatt and Nigel Forrow who both got honourable mentions in this weeks Bird Guides PotW (Photo of the Week) competition. It's great that the county has such a high calibre of bird photography expertise. Both Roger...

- Otmoor, 23rd Oct
Sparrowhawk (in reed bed, 1st screen)Kingfisher (fly-past, 1st screen)Green Woodpecker (near RSPB hut, Greenaways)Brown Hare (path near hide, Ashgrave) Green Woodpecker © Nigel Forrow Sparrowhawk © Nigel Forrow ...

- Crawley Weir 30th Sept 12:30pm To 4:30pm
No sighting of the Dipper again. I did get a closer view of a single Grey Wagtail and the local Kingfisher put in a couple of appearances allowing a distant partly obscured shot. Kingfisher © Nigel Forrow Grey Wagtail © Nigel Forrow ...

