Otmoor RSPB 12th July

Otmoor RSPB 12th July

Bittern flew over the reed beds from the 1st screen early evening
Marsh Harrier
Hobby 2
Little Egret 5+
Gadwall 50+
Shoveler 10+
Teal 5+
Turtle Dove
Stock Dove 2
No sign of the male Redstart in Long Meadow.

Full weekend round up tomorrow on Otmoor Birding

Whitethroat courtesy of Mark Chivers

- Otmoor 5th July
Cranes on Otmoor please view at 720p. Quail (m) heard only on Hundred Acre 08:45 Crane 2 Black-tailed Godwit 8 1st scn evening (per Tezzer) Marsh Harrier Hobby 2 Turtle Dove 2 Stock Dove 2 Grasshopper Warbler 2 Cetti's Warbler Yellow Wagtail (per...

- Otmoor 7th June
Marsh Harrier 2 Hobby 3+ Ringed Plover (Big Otmoor) Curlew 2 Common Tern Cuckoo c3 Turtle Dove 2+ Garden Warbler 3+ Lesser Whitethroat 3 Barnacle Goose (feral) (Big Otmoor) Ross's Goose (feral) Bar-headed Goose 2 (feral) (Otmoor massive) Full weekend...

- Otmoor 15th February
Bittern Marsh Harrier Peregrine 2 Bearded Tits on the 14th (per Bark & Mark Chivers) Full weekend round up tomorrow on Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor 2nd November
Marsh Harrier Short-eared Owl Bittern over reed beds (per Gareth) Peregrine 2 pair on Big Otmoor (per Gareth) Golden Plover c250 Snipe 20+ Stonechat c6 around reedbeds Ring-necked Parakeet Beckley (per Zoe) No sign of the Great grey Shrike. (per Bark)...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 5th September
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Greenshank Bittern this evening (per Phil Barnett) Yellow Wagtail 220+ went to roost in the reed beds (per Phil Barnett) Black-tailed Godwit Marsh Harrier 2 Water Rail (per RSPB Otmoor) Long Meadow Redstart 3 Spotted Flycatcher Willow...

