Otmoor 2nd November

Otmoor 2nd November

Marsh Harrier
Short-eared Owl
Bittern over reed beds (per Gareth)
Peregrine 2 pair on Big Otmoor (per Gareth)
Golden Plover c250
Snipe 20+
Stonechat c6 around reedbeds
Ring-necked Parakeet Beckley (per Zoe)

No sign of the Great grey Shrike.

(per Bark)

Full weekend round-up tomorrow on Otmoor Birding.

Stonechat courtesy of Mark Chivers

- Otmoor Rspb 8th November
Marsh Harrier 3 inc the tagged bird Sparrowhawk Short-eared Owl reported a.m Pintail (f) Wigeon c100 Teal 50+ Golden Plover 350+ Lapwing 300+ Water Rail Kingfisher 1+ Redpoll Grey Wagtail Stonechat 3 (1 on Greenaways 2 Lower Farm) Starling roost consisted...

- Otmoor Rspb 12th July
Bittern flew over the reed beds from the 1st screen early evening Marsh Harrier Hobby 2 Little Egret 5+ Gadwall 50+ Shoveler 10+ Teal 5+ Turtle Dove Stock Dove 2 No sign of the male Redstart in Long Meadow. Full weekend round up tomorrow on Otmoor...

- Otmoor 8th March

- Otmoor 9th February
Bullfinch Otmoor courtesey of Mark Chivers Grey Plover still with the Golden Plovers Sanderling c20 Ruff 25+ Dunlin c15 Hen Harrier r/t Peregrine Sparrowhawk Bearded Tit Redpoll on feeders (per Stephen Collier) (per Bark) Short-eared Owl 2 (Morleys/Car...

- Otmoor 8th February
Grey Plover Sanderling c12 Dunlin 25+ Ruff 25-50 Stonechat 2 (per Bark & Mark Chivers) All the news from the weekend Otmoor Birding Stonechat photo courtesey of Mark Chivers....

