Otmoor P.M. 24th February.

Otmoor P.M. 24th February.

400+ lapwing
400+ golden plover
2 buzzard
2 red kite
6 dunlin
1 curlew
1 sparrowhawk
3 skylark
1 little egret
1 little grebe
1 g c grebe
6 bewick swans still there at 3.15 pm

- Otmoor Rspb Webs Count 17th March
Mute Swan18Greylag Goose107Canada Goose100Wigeon257Gadwall18Teal781Mallard74Pintail8Shoveler74Pochard21Tufted Duck40Little Grebe6Great crested grebe2Cormorant2Little Egret6Grey Heron7Moorhen11Coot121Golden Plover250Lapwing196Dunlin44Snipe13Redshank19Curlew2Black-tailed...

- Otmoor A.m. 12th February.
400+ lapwing C. 100 golden plover 1 little grebe (calling) 5+ red kites 3+ buzzards 4+ dunlin 2 peregrines 5 little egret...

- Otmoor A.m. 11th February.
1 songthrush 2 yellowhammers 400 lapwing 7 skylark 25 golden plover 3 herons 5 little egret 1 g s woodpecker 15 pintail 4 buzzard 3 red kites...

- Otmoor: Mainly From The Bridleway Between The Reserve And Oddington 22nd Jan
Little Egret 1 Egyptian Goose 1 Golden Plover c75 Lapwing 500+ Fieldfare 500+ Redwing 300+ Starling 300+ Bullfinch 4 Little Grebe 1 Buzzard 3 Marsh Tit 1 Pintail 6 Treecreeper 1 Grey Heron 2...

- Churn, January 1st 2011
1 Red Kite 1 Buzzard 1 Sparrowhawk Grey Partridge (2 Coveys of 14 and 8) Golden Plover (heard only) 3 Common Gull 20+ Skylark 200+ Fieldfare 1 Redpoll 8 Corn bunting 3 Yellowhammer...

