Otmoor: mainly from the bridleway between the reserve and Oddington 22nd Jan

Otmoor: mainly from the bridleway between the reserve and Oddington 22nd Jan

Little Egret 1
Egyptian Goose 1
Golden Plover c75
Lapwing 500+
Fieldfare 500+
Redwing 300+
Starling 300+
Bullfinch 4
Little Grebe 1
Buzzard 3
Marsh Tit 1
Pintail 6
Treecreeper 1
Grey Heron 2

- Otmoor Webs Totals 22/2
Black-headed gull- 39Canada goose- 278Coot- 165Cormorant- 1Curlew- 2Gadwall- 50Golden plover- 3797Great crested grebe- 2Grey heron- 4Greylag goose- 197Lapwing- 4771Little grebe- 1Mallard- 140Moorhen- 19Mute swan- 10Oystercatcher- 1Pintail- 100Pochard-...

- Otmoor Webs Totals, 18/1
Bittern- 1 Black-headed gull- 245 Canada goose- 359 Coot- 72 Cormorant- 5 Gadwall- 36 Golden plover- 3129 Great crested grebe- 2 Grey heron- 3 Greylag goose- 134 Kingfisher- 2 Lapwing- 3033 Lesser black-backed gull- 3 Mallard- 186 Moorhen- 2 Mute swan-...

- Otmoor.a.m. 16th March..
C.200 Golden Plover (Big Otmoor) 5 Dunlin (Big Otmoor) 2 Curlew (Greenaways) C. 80 Redwing (Noke Farm) 10 Fieldfare (Noke Farm) 1 Chiffchaff (Bridleway) 1 Treecreeper (Car Park)....

- Rspb Otmoor Webs Count 3rd Feb
Mute swan 55, Greylag goose 243, Canada goose 329, Wigeon 3421, Gadwall 20, Teal 2197, Mallard 154, Pintail 184, Shoveler 255, Pochard 52, Tufted duck 29, Great crested grebe 1, Cormorant 3, Grey heron 5, Moorhen 3, Coot 153, Golden plover 3740, Lapwing...

- Cholsey 30th Nov
116 Lapwing 23 Golden Plover 4 Teal 2 Peregrine (took a Grey Partridge) Kestrel 14 (13) Grey Partridge 200+ each Fieldfare & Redwing 1 Cormorant (overhead) 4 Bullfinch 6 Yellowhammer 2 Jay 2-300 LBB Gulls 100+ BH Gulls 1 Reed Bunting 2 Skylark 1 Great-spot...

