Otmoor A.M. 27th August.

Otmoor A.M. 27th August.

3 Hobby
2 Kingfisher
3 Green Sandpiper
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Barn Owl (1:30 p.m.)
1 Marsh Harrier

M.o.D. Land :
5 Spotted Flycatcher
C. 30 Yellow Wagtail
4 Whinchat.

(per RW SW PR PG Greame Porter & Badger).

- Otmoor 7th August.
Spotted Flycatcher courtesy of John Reynolds 2+ Kingfisher 1 Bittern a.m and c13:40 in flight 1st screen 1 Hobby 4+ Marsh Harrier (3 over, high. R&L Ebbs) 1 Green Sandpiper 1st scn (Badger) 2 Water Rail 4 Spotted Flycatcher 4 Yellow Wagtail (juveniles)....

- Otmoor Rspb 13th September
this morning Marsh Harrier 1m Hobby 2 Raven 2 Little Egret 3 Water Rail 1 Common Snipe 5 Green Sandpiper 1 Kingfisher 1 Whinchat 1 per Andy Last Yellow Wagtail 1 Reed Warbler 1 Willow/Chiffs many Otmoor Massive...

- Otmoor 8th September.
1 Marsh Harrier 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Hobby 1 Bittern a.m (flying) 16:12 1st scn (per RL) 1 Green Sandpiper 1 Little Stint 1st scn (Badger) 1 Common Sandpiper 20+ Snipe 1 Barn Owl (reported, car park field). 1 Whinchat (Lower Farm Noke) 1 Stonechat (Lower...

- Otmoor 28th August
Green Sandpiper Water Rail Kingfisher Spotted Flycatcher x 5 Marsh Harrier Hobby x 3 Snipe c20 Clackers/ Phil Brown 4+ Redstart 5+ Lesser Whitethroat 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Raven (over). (per Paul Greenaway) Raven Hobby Yellow Wagtail 5 (M.Hunt)...

- Otmoor.a.m. 31th August.
1 Turtle Dove. The Pill 1 Green Sandpiper 14 Linnet 3+ Whinchat 2 Snipe 2+ Hobby. Also this morning. Marsh Harrier Whinchat 13 (9 near July's Meadow, 1 Greenaways,3 from public footpath to the south of the reserve) Redstart 1+ Spotted Flycatcher 2...

