Otmoor 8th September.

Otmoor 8th September.

1 Marsh Harrier
1 Sparrowhawk
2 Hobby
1 Bittern a.m (flying) 16:12 1st scn (per RL)
1 Green Sandpiper
1 Little Stint 1st scn (Badger)
1 Common Sandpiper
20+ Snipe
1 Barn Owl (reported, car park field).
1 Whinchat (Lower Farm Noke)
1 Stonechat (Lower Farm Noke)

MoD. Land
3+ Whinchat
C.50 Meadow Pipits.
1 Hobby.

- Otmoor A.m. 27th August.
3 Hobby 2 Kingfisher 3 Green Sandpiper 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Barn Owl (1:30 p.m.) 1 Marsh Harrier M.o.D. Land : 5 Spotted Flycatcher C. 30 Yellow Wagtail 4 Whinchat. (per RW SW PR PG Greame Porter & Badger)....

- Otmoor 18th April
Marsh Harrier f Whinchat m Noke Farm Wheatear f Noke Farm Grasshopper Warbler 2 (Per Bark) Sent from my iPhone...

- Otmoor: 29th April
Otmoor Merlin: male. Seen twice flying from Ashgrave To Big Otmoor then 20mins later flying back to Ashgrave each time being mobbed by Lapwings. Hobby: Noke. Sparrowhawk: male. 10 Wheatear: In field with black sheep (Noke farm). Whinchat: male. In...

- Otmoor 26th August
(c) Terry SherlockOsprey (over reedbeds c09:00 then difted S/W) Marsh Harrier (imm) Hobby 4 Sprawk Garganey 3 (1st screen) Water Rail Whinchat 8 (3 from hide 1 in hedgerow to 1st sc,4 Noke Farm) Wheatear 5 (Noke Farm) Green Sandpiper 4 Snipe 10+...

- Otmoor: Noke Farm: 30th August
Otmoor: Noke Farm 2 Whinchat: On fence at Lower Farm, Noke. 3 Snipe on Malt Pit lagoon. Joe Harris Juv Whinchat on Otmoor photo (c) Jonathan Mercer ...

