Otmoor.A.M. 15th November.

Otmoor.A.M. 15th November.

Marsh Harriers courtesy of Moth Clark

1 Peregrine
1 Short-eared Owl
1 Marsh Harrier
1 Bittern
300+ Golden Plover.

per JR MC DL PG.

- Otmoor 25th October
Tree-creeper courtesy of Moth ClarkMerlin (prob) Marsh Harrier 2 Sparrowhawk Bittern Water Rail Golden Plover c900 Snipe 15+ Raven 2 Kingfisher Tree-creeper Redpolls Blackcap (f) Cetti's Warbler Stonechat 4 (2m) (per Bark, The Roby's,Oz, Moth...

- Otmoor: First Screen 01 October
Grey Heron on Otmoor courtesy of Moth Clark Kingfisher Little Grebe Little Egret x2 Dunlin Snipe x7 Marsh Harrier Bittern Cetti's Warbler (heard only)...

- Otmoor Saturday 29th August - Wryneck
Courtesy of  Mark ChiversMark Chivers found a WRYNECK feeding along the path between the kissing gate and the first screen at 13:16. Generally elusive but showing occasionally, it was last seen at 4pm when it showed briefly but well. No further sign...

- Otmoor 2nd November
Marsh Harrier Short-eared Owl Bittern over reed beds (per Gareth) Peregrine 2 pair on Big Otmoor (per Gareth) Golden Plover c250 Snipe 20+ Stonechat c6 around reedbeds Ring-necked Parakeet Beckley (per Zoe) No sign of the Great grey Shrike. (per Bark)...

- Otmoor 7th February.
2 Short-eared Owls (hunting) 1 Ringtail Harrier Stoneshank Grey Plover (Big Otmoor) 13 Ruff 12 (Ashgrave and 1 on big otmoor) 3 Black-tailed Godwit (over Big Otmoor) Peter Coombes 2 ringtail Hen Harriers flying together down eastern edge of Greenaways...

