Otmoor A.M. 10th February.

Otmoor A.M. 10th February.

2 red kites
1 merlin (f)
3oo lapwing
40 golden plover
9 l t tits
1 green sandpiper
1 buzzard
2 heron
1 little egret

- Otmoor A.m. 15th December.
Light Buzzard, possible Juvenile. C.1000 Lapwing (Big Otmoor) 25 Golden Plover (Big Otmoor) 5 Yellowhammer ( CP field) 2 Stonechat (Noke End). 1 Merlin (M. Otmoor Lane)....

- Otmoor.a.m.13th March.
1/f merlin 5 l. egret 3 oystercatcher 4 redshank 400+ golden plover 12+ dunlin 2 goosander (reported) 2 buzzard Otmoor: RSPB reserve 3 Chiffchaff 6 Little Egret Treecreeper Colin Oram ...

- Otmoor A.m. 12th February.
400+ lapwing C. 100 golden plover 1 little grebe (calling) 5+ red kites 3+ buzzards 4+ dunlin 2 peregrines 5 little egret...

- Otmoor 24th Jan
4 bullfinch 1 heron 2 red kites 1 buzzard 6 pochard 10+ gadwall 2 pintail 20+ tufted 200+ wigeon 25 teal 25+ shoveler C.2300 lapwing 1 peregrine...

- Otmoor: Mainly From The Bridleway Between The Reserve And Oddington 22nd Jan
Little Egret 1 Egyptian Goose 1 Golden Plover c75 Lapwing 500+ Fieldfare 500+ Redwing 300+ Starling 300+ Bullfinch 4 Little Grebe 1 Buzzard 3 Marsh Tit 1 Pintail 6 Treecreeper 1 Grey Heron 2...

