Otmoor.A.M. 2nd. November.

Otmoor.A.M. 2nd. November.

5 Bearded Reedlings
1 Peregrine
1 Hen Harrier.

Paul Greenaway

OTHER SPECIES: Otter in centre channel from the first screen.

(Peter Coombes)

- Otmoor 10th March
Hen Harrier: fem. 2 Curlew 2 Chiffchaff: Singing. 5 Redshank 3 Snipe Bearded Tit: fem. Reported 2nd screen early am. 1500 Golden Plover: Big Otmoor. Pintail: 1st screen. Raven Peter Coombes Curlew Photo P.Coombes...

- Otmoor: 5th March
Otmoor Bearded Tit: Along path to 1st screen. Barn Owl: Hunting near to 1st screen 11:00 am. 2 Dunlin: Big Otmoor. 4 Ruff: Closes field. Marsh Tit 2 Treecreeper: On Oaks by 1st screen. Water Rail: 2nd screen. Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor: 10th February
Bearded Tit 1st screen. 5 Ruff 3 Sanderling Peregrine Hen Harrier 5 Snipe Kingfisher Chiffchaff nr hide Otter 2 seen swimming together by 2nd screen. Peter Coombes photo courtesey of Peter Coombes No sign of any Short-eared Owls in Moorleys (car park...

- Otmoor: 12th November
Peregrine 100 Snipe: Flying from Closes then split into smaller groups and continued to fly around Greenaways. 10 Yellowhammer: In bushes behind the hide. 7 Stonechat Chiffchaff 150+ Fieldfare 5 Redwing 4 Buzzard 6 Goldcrest Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger...

- Otmoor 5th March
5 Barnacle Geese on Greenaways (Mary Clifton) 2 Bittern: 1 at 1st screen and a second very close to the second screen. Barn Owl: flying along path to 1st screen at 9:00 am. 200 Golden Plover 2 Curlew: from 2nd screen. Hen Harrier: male. Big Otmoor....

