Otmoor 6th June

Otmoor 6th June

Tufted Ducklings

Marsh Harrier (Stephen Collier)
Turtle Dove 3
Little Egret 24+
Hobby 1+
Red-crested Pochard
Possible GW Egret early a.m only

Full weekend review tomorrow on
Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor 19th July
Barn Owl over Otmoor Courtesy of Helaine Cadman. Marsh Harrier                     Hobby Sparrowhawk Black-tailed Godwit Redshank Little Egret c8 Turtle Dove Stock Dove 4 (Lasty,Tezzer,Badger) Full...

- Otmoor Rspb 12th July
Bittern flew over the reed beds from the 1st screen early evening Marsh Harrier Hobby 2 Little Egret 5+ Gadwall 50+ Shoveler 10+ Teal 5+ Turtle Dove Stock Dove 2 No sign of the male Redstart in Long Meadow. Full weekend round up tomorrow on Otmoor...

- Otmoor 7th June
Marsh Harrier 2 Hobby 3+ Ringed Plover (Big Otmoor) Curlew 2 Common Tern Cuckoo c3 Turtle Dove 2+ Garden Warbler 3+ Lesser Whitethroat 3 Barnacle Goose (feral) (Big Otmoor) Ross's Goose (feral) Bar-headed Goose 2 (feral) (Otmoor massive) Full weekend...

- Otmoor 29th June
Glossy Ibis NE corner of The Closes at 17:00 Little Egret 10+ Turtle Dove 2 Cuckoo 2 Full weekend round up on Otmoor Birding tomorrow....

- Otmoor 6th April
Garganey (dk) still on Ashgrave from the Wetlands Watch hide Bearded Tit f (per Stephen Collier) Whitethroat Sedge Warbler Swallow (per Bark) Full weekend round up tomorrow on Otmoor Birding...

