Otmoor 6th April

Otmoor 6th April

Ferruginous Duck still 2nd screen 13:30
Hen Harrier (m)
Barn Owl
Dunlin c30
Shelduck 2

(per Gareth)

Garganey 2 (m) on Ashgrave from hide at 12:44 and a second drake from the 2nd screen
White-fronted Geese 7
Hen Harrier (ringtail)
Little Ringed Plover 2 (m/f) Big Otmoor
Water Rail

(Andy Last, Badger & Ewan)
Saunders Ground & the Pill Ground:
4+ Curlew
C.50 Dunlin
80+ Lapwing
6 Redshank
1 Raven
1 pair Pintail
7 Redwing.

(per Paul Greenaway)

Both Photo's (c) Andy Last

- Otmoor 22nd September
Hen Harrier (ringtail) Ashgrave 17:20   Then over the reed beds 17:40 & 18:40                                                ...

- Otmoor 27th July
Glossy Ibis Marsh Harrier 2 Peregrine 2 Water Rail 2+ 1st screen Black-tailed Godwit (from Hide) Dunlin 3 1st screen Redstart (Long Meadow) (per Bark et el) Redstart 2 (m & juv) Step Ground (the field between the Joseph Stone ground & the...

- Otmoor 28th March
  Phone-scoped by iphone (c) Paul Wren   Ferruginous Duck (drake) still 14:40 from 2nd screen then flew in to reed beds (per Ewan) 05:50-7:46  2nd screen. Hen Harrier Barn Owl Badger (per Wreny & Steve Roby) Bittern 3 Merlin...

- Otmoor 27th March
Phone-scoped using an iphone (c) Andy Last Ferruginous Duck (drake) No sign 16:30-17:30 from the 2nd screen Showing well from the 2nd screen 13:16 (paul Chandler)  11:40 (per Bark) still this morning from the 2nd screen on Otmoor 06:00 (c) J.DexterHen...

- Otmoor 25th March Fudge Duck
A male FERRUGINOUS DUCK is lurking around at Otmoor in the reeds just south of the second screen at Otmoor. Found by Joe Harris one of the RSPB wardens this morning it has been seen a few times during the day, mostly in the last channel before the second...

