Otmoor 27th July

Otmoor 27th July

Glossy Ibis
Marsh Harrier 2
Peregrine 2
Water Rail 2+ 1st screen
Black-tailed Godwit (from Hide)
Dunlin 3 1st screen
Redstart (Long Meadow)

(per Bark et el)

Redstart 2 (m & juv) Step Ground
(the field between the Joseph Stone ground & the Weatley Charity field)

(per Gareth)

Photo courtesey of Mark Chivers

All the news from the weekend tomorrow on Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor 7th September
Little Stint (1st screen) still 17:12 Ruff 2 (1st scn) Little ringed Plover juv (1st scn) Ringed Plover Black-tailed Godwit (1st scn) Greenshank Green Sandpiper Snipe c20 Marsh Harrier 3 (1m) Peregrine Hobby 2+ Bittern (1st scn eary a.m) Little Egret...

- Otmoor: Long Meadow: 3rd September
Otmoor: Long Meadow 6 Redstart Whinchat 3 Spotted Flycatcher Pintail 1st Screen by Badger Otmoor: RSPB reserve 3+ Marsh Harrier Bittern Greenshank 5 Black-tailed Godwit 3 Green Sandpiper 4 Hobby Sparrowhawk m Pintail Water Rail h c75 Yellow Wagtail 2...

- Otmoor 18th May
Montagu's Harrier (m) flew over Greenaways towards the Pill being mobbed by gulls c08:10 (Pete Barker et al) Glossy Ibis courtesey of Mark Chivers Glossy Ibis still at 05:55 from the Wetland Watch Hide and showing well (RBA)  And again in flight...

- Otmoor 13th May
Glossy Ibis on Big Otmoor this evening please view at 720p HD Joe Harris found a Glossy Ibis at 12:00 on the Oddington Flood Field. Now relocated to "Big Otmoor" & still present 19:30. View from the bridleway halfway between the hide and the Noke...

- Otmoor 9th February
Bullfinch Otmoor courtesey of Mark Chivers Grey Plover still with the Golden Plovers Sanderling c20 Ruff 25+ Dunlin c15 Hen Harrier r/t Peregrine Sparrowhawk Bearded Tit Redpoll on feeders (per Stephen Collier) (per Bark) Short-eared Owl 2 (Morleys/Car...

