Otmoor 3rd March P.M.

Otmoor 3rd March P.M.

1 Redpoll on feeders

4 Curlew

1 Redshank

1 Littel Egret from hide

2 Goosander (Pair at 2nd Hide)

70+ Linnet

50 Golden Plover

4 Short Eared Owls on Greenaways at dusk

- Otmoor Pm 18th February
2 Short eared Owls 1 Tawny Owl c50,000 Starlings in roost (Hedge in Closes!) 1 Woodcock 2 Brambling from hide...

- Otmoor: 4th May
Otmoor Cuckoo 2 Short-eared Owl: Resting on posts near feeders, car park field. Greenshank: Scrapes in front of hide. Nick Truby...

- Otmoor: 16th April
Redstart (male) Hopping in and out of blackthorn onto path near first screen. Short-eared Owl Merlin Peregrine Little Ringed Plover Cuckoo calling from near carpark field. Peter Coombes Otmoor: RSPB reserve Curlew: NW of Greenaways. Short-eared Owl 2...

- Otmoor: 13th April
Otmoor Cuckoo: On oak tree behind car park field 9.30 am. Swallow 2 Jay Sedge Warbler: singing by first screen. 6 Wheatear: One on post by hide and five more in front of hide. Green Sandpiper: From first screen. 5 Snipe: drumming over greenaways. Golden...

- Otmoor 17th March
Treecreeper near feeders Yellowhammer below feeders Numerous Reed Buntings - all male except 1 8 Little Egrets on lagoons near new hide 3 Herons near new hide Approx 5-6 Barnacle geese flying over reedbeds and by new hide later 1 Gt Crested Grebe - 2nd...

