Otmoor PM 18th February

Otmoor PM 18th February

2 Short eared Owls
1 Tawny Owl
c50,000 Starlings in roost (Hedge in Closes!)
1 Woodcock
2 Brambling from hide

- Otmoor Raptor Display
2.30 Left car park to immediate views of ring-tailed Hen Harrier playing like a cat with a vole(?) for at least 5 minutes in The Closes; giving very close views for those in the hide. BBWOT bird race team arrived and left with two new species under belt;...

- Otmoor Sunday 20th November

- Otmoor 17 October
5 Short Eared Owls at NE Corner of Greenaways (all in air at one time) 2 more on Closes 1 Lesser Redpoll near feeders...

- Otmoor 8th November
2 Short-eared Owl 1 Merlin Also a few thousand Starlings in roost tonight. (per Terry Tossel) Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor 25th Nov
Just returned from a visit to Otmoor to check out the starling roost. Approximately 20,000 birds displayed then went down to roost in the reeds in 3 separate flocks using both reservoirs. A female peregrine flew low over the reeds but did not get up amongst...

