Otmoor 3rd June

Otmoor 3rd June

Marsh Harrier (f)
Hobby 8
Turtle Dove 3

(per Peter Coombes)

The Otmoor Blogger

- Otmoor 15th July
2 Green Sandpiper: On Scrape Grenaways. Raven Turtle Dove 11 Little Egret Hobby Kingfisher: Along ditch Greenaways. 2 Redshank (Peter Coombes) Otmoor Blogger Greenshank flew into hide ponds stayed 10 minutes and then flew east. 2 Turtle Dove: two flying...

- Otmoor 2nd June
Drake Garganey Otmoor (c) Peter Coombes Bearded Tit  (fem) 1st screen. Marsh Harrier (fem) Big Otmoor. with an unconfirmed report of a 2nd bird this morning (Badger) 2 Turtle Dove Garganey (male) 1st screen. Curlew 4 Peter Coombes Turtle Dove (c)...

- Otmoor: 21st May
  Marsh Harrier: fem. Over reed bed. 4 Turtle Dove 3 Hobby Curlew 2 Oystercatcher: Ashgrave. 5 Common Tern: Two on raft. Three over. Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger Grasshopper Warbler Little Egret 5 (per Terry Tossel) Both photos (c) Peter...

- Otmoor: 17th July
juv Turtle Dove (c) Pete Coombes 3 Hobby Raven: On post on big Otmoor. 3 Turtle Dove: Two juveniles and one adult. On wires near cattle pen. 2 Grasshopper Warbler: One near carpark and another near feeders. Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 4th July
3 Hobby 2 Little Ringed Plover: 2nd scrape big Otmoor. Raven 2 Grasshopper Warbler 4 Turtle Dove Peter Coombes...

