Otmoor 2nd June

Otmoor 2nd June

Drake Garganey Otmoor (c) Peter Coombes

Bearded Tit  (fem) 1st screen.
Marsh Harrier (fem) Big Otmoor. with an unconfirmed report of a 2nd bird this morning (Badger)
2 Turtle Dove
Garganey (male) 1st screen.
Curlew 4

Peter Coombes
Turtle Dove (c) D.Woodard

- Otmoor 10th March
Hen Harrier: fem. 2 Curlew 2 Chiffchaff: Singing. 5 Redshank 3 Snipe Bearded Tit: fem. Reported 2nd screen early am. 1500 Golden Plover: Big Otmoor. Pintail: 1st screen. Raven Peter Coombes Curlew Photo P.Coombes...

- Otmoor: 5th March
Otmoor Bearded Tit: Along path to 1st screen. Barn Owl: Hunting near to 1st screen 11:00 am. 2 Dunlin: Big Otmoor. 4 Ruff: Closes field. Marsh Tit 2 Treecreeper: On Oaks by 1st screen. Water Rail: 2nd screen. Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 14th June
3 Turtle Dove: 2 along bridleway and one along Roman road. Bearded Tit (juv) between 1st and 2nd screens. 3 Lesser Whitethroat 2 Grasshopper Warbler Singing, Carpark field. Curlew 12 Little Egret: In field behind 2nd screen. 5 Grey Heron: In field behind...

- Otmoor Wednesday 17th October Beardy Update
Picture from 15th Oct 2009Bearded Tits are still present and visible from first screen but distant. There are still approximately six or seven birds (per Badger) Bark Also seen from the 2nd screen this morning (per Peter Coombes) Bittern also reported this...

- Otmoor: 30th July
Otmoor Cuckoo: juv. Spectacular views of juvenile being fed by Reed Warblers. Turtle Dove: On wires near carpark. Grasshopper Warbler Raven: Big Otmoor. Peter Coombes See also Peter's great new blog: The Otmoor Blogger Gnome...

