Otmoor 31st January

Otmoor 31st January

3 Short-eared Owl: at dusk (Closes and car park field).

Peter Law

Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor: 21st February
Peregrine: Hunting over Big Otmoor. Hen Harrier: Over Morleys. (Mark Ribbons) Barn Owl: Car Park field late pm Short-eared Owl: Car Park field late pm (Peter Coombes)...

- Otmoor: 4th January
Otmoor Short-eared Owl: Seen at dusk, emerging from very close in front of me on track between Greenways and car park field. Steve Goddard...

- Otmoor 10th January
Car Park Field p.m Short-eared Owl 2 Barn Owl (per Terry Tossel) Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor 20th Dec
Peregrine (Greenaways) Merlin (Ashgrave) Short-eared Owl 2 (Closes) (per Terry Tossel & Paul Greenaway) Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor 15th November
Short-eared Owl 5 (together over The Closes.Singles seen over Ashgrave and Car park field so possibly 7 birds) (per Nick Suckling) Hen Harrier 2 (both Ringtails) A pair of Ringtails seen in front of second screen and then over reedbed and boundary hedge...

