Otmoor 23 November

Otmoor 23 November

3 Brambling from hide in mixed finch flock
2 Stonechat
Marsh Harrier


- Otmoor 14th February
Marsh Harrier 2 (pair displaying) Sparrowhawk Golden Plover 1000+ Pintail c63 on Flood field Wigeon 300+ Flood field Shoveler 30+ Flood field Teal 40+ Flood field Stonechat 2 m/f Bridleway nr Barn field Brambling from Wetlands Watch hide Bittern yesterday...

- Otmoor 14 January A.m.
Short Eared Owl in Morley's Field Peregrine Marsh Harrier Sparrowhawk Marsh Tit by car park Brambling (amongst the flock of linnets/reed buntings/goldfinches/chaffinches at the Hide) Brambling at Hide Linnet at Hide...

- Wether & Ridgeway Downs: 04 October Am
5 Common Crossbill, seen feeding and then to fly high NW.3 Grey Partridge2 Raven1 Stonechat (m)16 LapwingLoose, mixed finch & bunting flock in stubble field and adjacent hedgerow;c.50 birds inc. Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Corn Bunting, Reed Bunting &...

- Otmoor.a.m. 30th January.
Marsh Tit this afternoon  Morleys. (car parking area) courtesy of Tezzer. Peregrine 3 White-fronted Goose (Paul Boult) 125+ Linnet (path by hide) 1 Sparrowhawk (path by hide) 1 Marsh Tit (car park) 1 Merlin (Otmoor Lane)....

- Otmoor 9th November
Jack Snipe - From hide Peregrine - Big Otmoor Marsh Harrier Lapwing c400 Golden Plover c1000 Kingfisher ...

